Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Death is a strange feeling. It doesn't strike till the time you see somebody close to you suffering. I am witnessing deaths. I am witnessing sufferings. It could have happened to me. It could have happened to one of my close one.

The existence of a person is destroyed, rather vanishes from the world. The sound that you long to hear fades out completely. The face you always find smiling becomes blank ; is disillusioned. A photograph of him/her for once looks full of life. Finally all buries in dust; all buried in ashes.

With the person, the circle around him also becomes 180 degree. Links of the chains break. Everything is lost. The emotions have scattered. Love, hate, depression, frustration are all mere words after death.

It is written and preached that a dead being loses the body, not the soul. But the soul becomes 'soul-less'. It is remembered momentarily in ceremonies and memorials and then forgotten. There is another mishap and new flesh, new bodies, new souls emerge. This is the cycle of life; this is the chain that links us.

Humans are killers of humans. Humans are cannibals. They are murderers of themselves. They are lost in the web of times. They are lost in their own life. They are lost and dead in their souls.


Anonymous said...

O le le le!! Baby dar gaya!! Chhoo Chweet!! Baby! get real, wise up your ass! No one is immortal, beneath the shallow veneer of sociality we all are mammals. You know Darwin? Read him!

A. Chakravarty said...

This is the cycle of life. So dreadful. So destructive. So beautiful. So fascinating.


It's not about wisdom, friend. It's a wander. It's a thought. It is human. Think less, less logic.