Sunday, April 11, 2010

Reminiscing a habit

Dear friend,
How are you? Haven't heard from you for a very long time. Suddenly it struck me that I have atopped writing letters. With technology coming up in a big way we are always connected smses which are usually forwards and stupid jokes. I am too occupied with meaningless pleasures to even type you an e-mail.

Our childhood was full of letters. I remember although we lived only two blocks away still we wrote letters and posted them. We shared our secrets, resolved our fights, express our hatred for a particular person. But today when we are 1500 kilometeres away, we haven't exchanged a single one.

Letters seem to be the best way to express my feelings, to express the situations I am caged in, my views about people and the world.

I will write to you my friend. Please reply back to me too. Let us all over again start the letter chain. I want to talk to you through words coming right from your heart.You are my best friend and I will be true to you.

My pen is mightier than the keyboard. So I will write you letters.

Your Childhood Friend

1 comment:

A. Chakravarty said...

A direct dedication, hope she knows.